Monday, November 19, 2012

That Sparkly dress .

28th OCTOBER 2012

3 words - Girls' Night Out.

A couple of my girlfriends and I decided to conduct an official ' Girls Night Out ' at where else but the Mall.
Though it was quite crowded due to the inevitable holiday in Bahrain, we managed to accomplish a lot! 
Caught a chic flick film called ' Pitch Perfect ' [typical musical comedy/romance] and it turned out to be pretty acceptable. Afterwards , we did what every girl would do in a mall; grab a white hot chocolate drink from Starbucks and go WINDOW SHOPPING at our usual boutiques [Jane Norman, MAX , Claire's , Forever 21 , H&M , [Jashanmal Bookstore, Virgin] ZARA, New Look London, etc etc.] Batty [Batrishia] and I came across this very attractive and 'Sparkly' sleeveless dress. Bejeweled with sequins,all things shiny and of course ; Sparkles for the sleeveless top and the 'flowy' cascading chiffon layer right above the knee brought out the elegant factor of the whole dress. 
The whole day couldn't have gotten any better if it weren't for my wonderful mates who spent the entire day at the Mall with me. 
Happy belated Eid Mubarak to all !
And advanced Ashoora :D 

That Sparkly H&M Dress.

The Oh-So perfect collar-like pearl beaded necklace, perfectly chosen by my bestfriend, Batty.
 Perfectly completed the outfit look. 

Pitch Perfect Trailer 

Thanks for reading !

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