Thursday, November 01, 2012

Perks of being Pink.

Fall has arrived. Behold the changing leaves, and enjoy the crisp breeze. Let your eyes take in the bursts of color. Transformation is afoot and hope is in the air.

Perks of being Pink.
Have you ever thought about Pink being suitable unisex colours?

THE HISTORY OF PINK [nope! Not the singer, silly!]
The colour pink represents compassion, nurturing and love. It relates to unconditional love and understanding, and the giving and receiving of nurturing.
A combination of red and white, pink contains the need for action of red, helping it to achieve the potential for success and insight offered by white. It is the passion and power of red softened with the purity, openness and completeness of white. The deeper the pink, the more passion and energy it exhibits.
Pink is feminine and romantic, affectionate and intimate, thoughtful and caring. It tones down the physical passion of red replacing it with a gentle loving energy.

So Pink is good J

Variations of the Color Pink
Blush: Similar to skin color, this very pale pink has sensual and sexual connotations. It is non-threatening but lacks passion and energy.
Rose Pink: This is the pink of universal love and unity. It is mature, feminine and intuitive.
Salmon Pink: There is a touch of orange in salmon pink. It encourages the flirt, and can be a sign of the timid lover, all talk and no play.
Orchid: This is an unusual lavender-pink and relates to the unconventional and the individual doing his or her own thing. It is the non conformist.
Fuchsia: A blend of deep pink and blue, fuchsia inspires confidence, assurance and maturity, a more responsible and controlled nurturing and love.
Hot Pink: Hot pink inspires a more passionate, playful and sensual love. It exudes warmth and happiness and a love of life.
My outfit goes out to those who just adore pink! 

MAX Plain patterned 3/4 sleeve blouse.
H&M Hot Pink Capri Pants. 
Claire's jeweled butterfly necklace
Shoe Express cocoa brown ballet flats
H&M Aztec Ring
Cute Pink Penguin shoulder strap bag [A gift from a friend]
Happy November Everyone!

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